Types and Ways to Diagnose Depression

Depression is a common mental disorder that affects almost five percent of adults globally. It is a leading cause of disability worldwide and contributes to the overall global burden of disease. If you are diagnosed with clinical depression, there are multiple treatment centers that you can contact. You can also look up Depression Treatments Sarasota Fl and more information on the net.

What are the various types of depression?

It is very tough and complex to diagnose depression. Furthermore, the symptoms vary from person to person. The various forms of depression are: 

Anxious Distress - You have unusual restlessness or worries about possible events. One of the major symptoms of anxious distress includes feeling unusually tense and restless. It continuously gives you the feeling that something bad is about to happen. Anxious distress is commonly seen in patients with bipolar depression. 

Mixed Features - It is a mixture of manic activities and depression. Mixed features depression causes you to elevate your self-esteem or increase your energy.

Melancholic features - This leads you to lack response to pleasure, sluggishness, feeling of guilt, and a significant change in appetite. The melancholic feature of depression can wake you up much earlier than usual in the morning. It involves recurrent or chronic episodes of depression. 

Atypical features - You cannot cheer yourself up with events that make you happy and become sensitive to rejection. It can also cause a heavy feeling in your arms and legs. 

Psychotic features - It causes you to have delusions or hallucinations. 

Catatonia - The Depression that involves uncontrollable and purposeless movement. Some of the major symptoms of catatonia include excessive agitation, mimicking someone else’s movements or speech, or not responding to others at all. 

Peripartum onset can happen to women during pregnancy and even persist afterward. Doctors suggest that the rapid change in hormones and thyroid levels during and after pregnancy may lead to peripartum onset. Other factors contributing to this depression are physical changes, lack of sleep, and worries about parenting. 

Seasonal pattern - This form of depression occurs with changes in seasons or less exposure to sunlight. According to researchers, women are more prone to the seasonal pattern of depression. 

You should encourage people going through depression to get Anxiety And Depression Counseling. This gives them a chance to recover from it.

How do doctors diagnose depression?

It is a complex task to diagnose depression. You can find a myriad of symptoms when it comes to depression, varying from one person to the other. Look up Depression Treatment Sarasota Fl on the net to get details on depression treatment. Your doctor can determine a diagnosis of depression on:

Physical Exam - In a few cases, depression can link you to underlying health problems. Hence, doctors may do a physical exam to determine the diagnosis.

Lab Tests - Doctors can do a blood test or a thyroid test to ensure it is functioning properly.

Psychiatric evaluation - Mental health professionals ask you your behavior patterns and thoughts.

You can look up Anxiety And Depression Counseling to get more information on how doctors and mental health professionals treat depression.


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